Special! All in stock Paint $5.00 OFF!
Ordering @ Dinkyclub.ca!
- Enter model # Click the Search (eg. Dxxx for Dinky, Cxxx for Corgi, etc)
- Alternate, product by description!
- click logo (returns you to Front page)
- Ordering option(s) available in the pop-up window, Search.!
- Each product: Quantity,Add to Basket'!
- Box: 'Shopping Basket', items purchase!
- Finished: 'View Basket', top of screen!
- View Basket: "Correct products?", 'Checkout'.
- Checkout: second checkout button!
- Page: fillin details, select a payment method:e-transfer-Canada onlyoption PayPal!
- Checkout!
- Payment: New page, payment details.
Happy Collecting & Restoring your!