Special! All in stock Paint $5.00 OFF!

Who We Are!

DinkyClub.ca - (Manufacturer - Distributor)


Owners of:

Owner: dinkyclub.ca

Manufacturer - Replica Model(s); Parts for Dinky, Corgi, Matchbox, Spot-On, Hornby-Dublo

Manufacturer - "Red Box Models"  - (copyright brand - pending!)

Our Products:

1) Replica: kits, Models of Classic Vehicles Range from 1930's to !!!!

2) Replica: Finished Models, Classic Vehicles Range from 1930's to !!!!

3) Replica: Spare Parts, Classic Vehicles from the 1930's to !!!!

4) REPRO - PARTS & MODELS - Metal & Plastic per Original.

5) Red Box Models - Designed, Manufactured in Canada!

Contact Form: Contact Us!

"Happy Collecting & Restoring!